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Free Training Opportunity

Quinn and Quinn, PS

Dear Clients/Trainees:

Because you are either a client or a person that has attended a Municipal Roundtable/training presented by Eric T. Quinn, P.S., we thought you might be interested in a free training opportunity!

We will be presenting a free virtual Municipal Roundtable this coming Friday, January 6, from 9 to 11 AM. The subject of this Municipal Roundtable is finances, to include a discussion of property taxes, benefit charges, local improvement districts, contracted-for sales taxes, impact fees, SEPA mitigation, CARES/treat and refer, GEMT, non-emergency medical transport funds, fees for service, grants, special accident fees, training fees, contracts for service, and local government investment pools.

Please join us for this free training opportunity, and please tell your friends in government about this free training opportunity. See the Zoom link below:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 891 3210 7467