Associate Membership Committee
The King County Fire Commissioners Association offers associate membership to private companies and individuals wishing to affiliate with this organization. Associate membership is for one calendar year and the cost is $250.00.
With associate memberships organization will be included on our website with their logo and a link to their site. They will have special sponsorship opportunities such as sponsoring door prizes at all meetings, refreshment breaks and meals during the Fire Commissioner Academy and general membership meetings. They will have opportunities to showcase their organization at our seminars and some general meetings and they will be supporting our industry while playing an integral role in helping to provide leading edge training and education to fire officials, commissioners and others in the fire and rescue industry, so that Fire Districts, Departments and Regional Fire Authorities in King County continues to provide the best possible service to our community.
Committee Vacancies
- Committee Chairperson: Commissioner needed to fill position.
Thanks for your interest!