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FEMA Trainings

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Toxic Gas-Forming Reactions Training

The Toxic Gas-Forming Reactions Training course helps public safety operators and first responders recognize, identify, and respond to toxic gas threats. It also equips public safety operators and first responders with tools to increase situational awareness of chemical threats. This course will help the student identify the major “knockdown” toxic chemical gases and become familiar with materials and equipment used to produce these toxic chemical gases. Students will also be able to Identify how these materials and equipment can be combined into delivery devices; and understand what you need to do before, during, and after a chemical incident.

Click HERE for more information


Post-BioWatch Actionable Result (BAR) Sampling Refresher Training

The Post-Biowatch Actionable Result (BAR) Sampling Refresher Training is a one-hour distance learning course that teaches responders how to conduct environmental sampling following a BioWatch Actionable Result, in accordance with established standard operating procedures. The self-paced, web-based training is easily accessed on a computer or compatible mobile device by responders in jurisdictions which are part of the BioWatch Program, as well as others interested in it.

Click HERE for more information.

Many other courses are offered as well, Click below to see the complete selection:

Complete Listing of Courses from the CDP