Meetings General Membership Meeting | 7 pm
Virtual Meeting
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January speaker:
Raquel Lackey, HOPE - Animal Assisted Crisis Response

Raquel Lackey is a Certified Public Accountant with over 25 years of experience in both public accounting as well as having a career in private accounting as the Chief Financial Officer for many years of several family-owned, multi-national corporations. She has served on multiple boards including Pacific NW Peer Association, Washington State Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster, HOPE Animal-Assisted Crisis Response and Reading with Rover.
Raquel is passionate about educating and supporting the mental health of first responders and others who participate in disaster response. She is also a certified instructor with the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation., Certified Field Traumatologist and Compassion Fatigue Educator with Green Cross Academy of Traumatology.
Raquel has been working with her dogs in both arenas of Animal-assisted Therapy and Animal-assisted Crisis Response since 2010. She is currently an active member with HOPE Animal-Assisted Crisis Response with her black lab, Pickles and chocolate lab, Bungee, consistently serving over 300 hours on an annual basis. Raquel is an active volunteer with both San Juan Island Fire & Rescue and Seattle Mountain Rescue while training a new pup, Ruffles, to continue in the paw prints of Pickles and Bungee.
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